Wednesday, May 27, 2015

an inicident that happened to was, when i was 14 my mother had a health problem like always and she always needed help doing the normal things that she needed to do everyday. She then had a stroke and i remember just looking at her a couple of minutes before and hse was ok. i had walked right bye her room and saw her shaking in the bed  and i walked to her bed and she was shaking and twitching and she was having a seizure and i remeber how pale she was and i was worried about me almost losing my mother. Her tongue was purple because she had bit down and hurt her tongue from having the seizure. She was so cold like the first night of winter . Her eyes rolled to the back of her head and i was crying screaming and yelling because of my mom. Me yelling my sister was panicing and she was trying to get in the door she quickly grabbed the phone dailed 911 and she was struggling just to explain because of me and how loud i was screaming.  my sister was trying to speak on the phone"I,I dont know whats wrong with my mom." I remeber the ring it felt so long before the lady picked up the phone and once my sister finished the lady said "the ambulance is in route" then soon my mother cam too and she said she could nnot feel half of her body. so she was just laying there and struggling to do anythijg my sister and me trying to call our familly members so they could know whats going on once the ambulance arrived my mother was swiftly taken out of the bed by the paramedics and she was

Monday, March 16, 2015

Nuclear energy usually means the part of the energy of an atomic nucleus, which can be released by fusion or fission or radioactive decay. Nuclear energy may also relate to nuclear power, the use of sustained nuclear fission to generate heat or electricity. That discovery heralded the nuclear power movement, which has been sparking controversy and debate ever since.
Honestly from me, I would personally say I feel that Nuclear energy is bad. Due to the outnumber of cons then there are pros. Nuclear energy only have a few positive facts about itself. Which consist of, lower carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere in power generation. Large power generating capacity able to meet industrial and city needs, and low operating cost.
Nuclear is a centralized power source requiring large infrastructure, investment, and coordination where decentralized sources (including solar and wind) can be more efficient, less costly, and more resilient. Nuclear energy has long construction time, High known risk in an accident, and other unknown risk.
Already the number of cons outnumbers the amount pros. Including that waivers are required to limit liability of companies in the event of an accident. This means that either no one will be responsible for physical, environmental, or health damages in case of an accident or leakage over time from waste storage, or that the government will ultimately have to the cost of any damages. The legacy of environmental contamination and health cost for miners and mines has been catastrophic.

There are no operating “next generation” reactors, such as high temperature breed reactors and particle beam activated reactors, that are reported to produce less waste and have reduced safety concerns. Even if these technologies were ready, they wouldn’t be deployable commercially for another two decades. So this concludes my opinion on, is nuclear energy good or bad. There is a long list of cons, a very short list of pros, and a lot of reasons on why nuclear energy is bad for the environment

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

  A great example of civil disobedience is the civil rights was the fact of that people had peacefully protested in the segregation in the South. This was in the 1960's when Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had his marches and african americans joined and listened to his speeches. This form of civil disobedience was more effective than others because they did not need to use violence but they used peace as their weapon and this would not have bloodshed on blacks. The civil rights movement was effective because segregation affected many peoples' lives which made them want to contribute to the movement. The civil rights movement also was effective because their boycotts and sit-in's started to gain more and more national attention as they got bigger, more and more people began to notice what blacks had to go through.
     The civil rights movement made more of an impact on african american peoples lives, because it helped and that lead to blacks contributing into the civil rights movement. Some of the whites in America also didn't like the idea of segregation. In an excerpt from the novel "Coming of Age in Mississippi", "A middle-aged white woman who had not yet been served rose from her seat and came over to us. I'd like to stay here with you,"she said(Moody, pg.209). This excerpt shows that more than just African Americans wanted to help the civil rights movement but Some whites had sympathy for the African Americans in which is why they wanted to help. Even though most of the African Americans were being heckled for supporting the civil rights movement they still kept their composure and did not turn to violence as the answer. That is why the civil rights movement was effective. Moody says, "A couple of the boys took one end of the rope and made it into a hangman's noose. Several attempts were made to put it around our necks...... We kept our eyes straight forward and did not look at the crowd except for occasional glances to see what was going on."(Moody, pg.209).
     The Civil Rights movement is a very different type of thing. this was different from tree sitting.they had some similarities because they both would protest from certain things that they had felt would have been right. This made much of a difference then tree sitting.
     An act of civil disobedience like the Civil Rights movement would not work in today's world. In today's world there would be a lot less support. Most people would not want to march because they don't feel like walking long distances or they might complain that its too hot to march. Also the police would be way more harsh. In the 1960's during the Civil Rights movement the police would use powerful fire truck hoses to control the many people protesting. If the same thing was to happen now the police would use much more powerful weapons like guns and rubber bullets. The use of those weapons by the police would make even more people not want to participate in the movement. The sit-in's also wouldn't work in today's world because the police would probably just forcefully move the people out of the store or restaurant. That is why marches and sit-in's would not work today. 

Monday, January 26, 2015

winter break

                                                          Winter Break Description
       My winter break was pretty good I played basketball a whole lot and i was sleep a lot. I also went to meet my dads girlfriend finally and she was really nice she was about 5'4 and she was really pretty, she was really pretty and nice. when i meet her she was really excited to meet me and she was excited to meet us. She spent all day with us she bought us food and took us to K1 Speed and she beat me and my little brother and then lost 8 times back ti back and we was laughing hard. After that we slept over her house and we had went to crossfit workouts with her and she was having fun and me, my brother and my dad we were struggling just to do the first couple workouts that she had. We were driving back home and everybody was acheing my brother was crying because it hurt so much. I was just sitting there soar but i was kind of use to it because of sports. I also grew a couple more inches. After that I slept. for 8 hours straight. My bed felt so soft I took a hot shower and when i got in my bed it felt like i was sleeping on clouds it was so comfortable and it was a good sleep. That sleep you have when you dont want to get up, when u wake up and feel really refreshed and you look good because you had a good sleep last night when your ready to start your day. Once i had woken up i had began to start playing the game and i played Advance Warfare and it was fun killing and shooting people online with my gun it really get compettive and I really was liking it. 
                My winterbreak was fun on my birthday i turned 17 and i went out go kart racing and i really enjoyed it. I celebrated my birthday for a couple more days after the actual day i had. Then finally i went paintball shooting and i had so much fun. The mud and people slipping and they yelling "ouch" then the referee says "your out" this was really crazy it was called SPEEDZONE. This was fast paced and a lot of shooting happeneing in the part of the paintball place. As a overall my winterbreak was actually good.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

What is an American

           The meaning of an American is based off of patriotism. The true definition has changed indefinitely because of time. There was a farmer who would try and do his best in the field. There was another man that built train tracks. Now it is the year we are in that meant the meaning of a American just isn't like how it was before. Electronics have changed the way people think and what they do. Technology has grown and become more advance since America and gotten its independence. There are cars, planes, everything you can think of has changed or is made better. Everything has truly progressed from before. To be completely honest social media, for example Instagram, Facebook , and Twitter has changed the lives of so many people it is really crazy how they did it though. The American Dream has changed from what everyone else says and what they did. It use to be "hard work will give you a good social and economical stand." Patriotism is when you would put it all on the line for the motherland. I honestly would not go in the army because I'm to scared to do it but I will gladly support the people who are brave enought to go out kill people and come back regular. Did you know that it's a foundation called an American. It's based off changing an Americans dream.

          Americans have honestly changed so much and it is. Truly understandable because of thes electronics. People try to give you this long explanation on things that are truly irrelevant. It has made people fat because they want to be lazy and and get on a social media. Instead people should be outside in the sun playing a sport working out doing something just not being lazy. I wish I was inside a whole different country and just to wonder how it feels to be different.  It is unreal how bad this makes me feel and how depressed this makes me feel Americans should try to make a bigger difference. Well that's just the way the cookie crumbles. I really wish that Americans would be with their country despite other countries that hate us and then u show your patriotism and stand up.  We live free because of the people who are protecting our country and fight for our freedom and the right to live the way we want to be treated. People should support our troops because they fight hard. This honestly made a significant difference in history and how we live and how we sleep and how much is a difference that this truly makes. This is what I truly think an American is.